Sleep coaching for toddlers and school-aged kids


I firmly believe that using a holistic approach, working strength-based and family-centred with each family, is the key to reaching your goals. Empowering children and their families in a supportive and empathetic way is one of my strengths as a professional.

     What I DO stand for

  • Using a gentle and attachment-based approach.
  • Your child’s sleep problem is a symptom, not the problem. I, therefore, look at all aspects that can impact your child’s sleep.
  • Educating you and making you as parents (even better) experts on your child so that you can thrive (eventually without me).
  • Setting personalized achievable goals together with you considering your values, parenting style and routines.
  • I believe that every child and family is full of resources and potential, and I make use of this to help you overcome your challenges.
  • Change takes time, effort and consistency. Hang in there!

    What I DO NOT stand for

  • Having your child “cry it out” or using controlled crying.
  • Pathologizing what is developmentally “normal”.
  • Seeing one problem as isolated.
  • Addressing sleep while ignoring possible underlying medical issues.
  • Making you depend on me/my help.
  • “Drop off” intervention.
  • Promising “quick fixes”.
  • Using “cookie-cutter strategies”.
  • Strategies that work for ME but not for YOU.

With your parental instincts and expertise and my expansive knowledge and experience, we form a powerful team to help you reach your goals. I am committed and passionate to help you optimize your child’s and the whole family’s sleep.

A free conversation to hear your story and discuss support options.

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